Ekuitas Plc have been investing in high-yield property portfolios for decades.
We have outperformed the market averages and continually busked the trend. This has been achieved with determination, professionalism and hard work.
Our core work – assessments and prep of planning applications or appeals that fully meet statutory requirements and give your proposals the fullest support. Front-loading is often of the utmost importance, but even the simplest proposals can get bogged down once submitted, and this is sometimes where the real art starts.
Strategic Thinking
We watch the markets and aim to be ahead of the next significant shift We choose the right sectors at the right time to maximise the opportunity
Targeted Investment
We ensure the right mix of properties in our portfolio to ensure maximum yield
Proven Success
We have outperformed the market averages and continually bucked the trend. This has been achieved with determination, professionalism and hard work.
Blended Portfolio
We ensure our portfolio is well balanced and diversified across sectors and asset classes
Process Driven
We ensure our processes and practices meet our own very high standards
Make It All Fit
We make the complex property market fit our vision of sustainable profits